Hi guys, welcome to our TemTem 1.0 Guide Wiki, In this TemTem 1.0 Guide Wiki, we will show you TemTem 1.0 Traits, TemTem 1.0 Basics of Breeding, TemTem 1.0 Map Location and Much More. This TemTem 1.0 Guide Wiki is aimed at every type of player. I try my best to make it as accessible as possible while still providing useful information even for veterans.

So come and take a look at this TemTem 1.0 Guide Wiki – TemTem 1.0 Traits, Basics of TemTem 1.0 Breeding.

TemTem 1.0 Guide Wiki 2022 September

This TemTem 1.0 guide is intended to be as comprehensive as possible while still letting you play the game anyway you choose because, at the end of the day, you are here to have fun.

It covers everything from the obvious to the more complex TemTem 1.0 tips and strategies.

Basics of Combat

Combats in Temtem can be against wild Temtems, NPC tamers or other human players. They play out for the most part the same the biggest difference being that you are able to catch new Temtems when facing wild Temtems whereas you can’t capture Temtems used by other tamers (whether they are controlle by the AI or human players).

Two teams of up to 6 Temtems fight against each other in a round based environment. Only 2 Temtems per team can be on the field at the same time.

TemTem 1.0 Guide Wiki - Traits, Basics of Breeding

Any Temtem knocked out is replaced automatically at the end of the round by the Temtem of its player’s choice and it is possible for either team to use a Temtem action to switch it out and replace it with another Temtem, such action is always performed at the start of a round (the order being decided by the Temtems’ speed stat).

A round allows each of the 4 Temtems to take an action which can be as follow:

Use a technique
Use an item
Switch out for another Temtem
Run away (in the case of a wild encounter)

Each Temtem acts within the round by order of speed, the Temtem with the highest Speed acting first while the slowest acts last.

Temtems have HP (Health Point) and Stamina. Whenever they perform a technique they use some of their Stamina and they are knocked out whenever their HP count reaches 0.

It is possible for a Temtem to use a technique even if it doesn’t have enough Stamina. This causes the Temtem to overexert itself making it lose HP based on how many points of Stamina were missing to use the technique. In addition, the Temtem being overexerted cannot use any technique on its next turn forcing it to either rest, use an item or switch out.

A small amount of Stamina is recovered by each Temtem at the end of each round and Resting allows a Temtem to recover even more Stamina within the round.

It is possible for a Temtem to knock itself out after overexerting itself.

BST, SV, TV, and Traits

It is important not to underestimate the impact of BST, SV, TV, and Traits as they can make your experience with the game much more enjoyable if you understand use them to your advantage.

And no, this section is not about min-maxxing and intense maths. I am talking about easy to understand easy to use mechanics that make your Temtems significantly strongers and your life essentially much easier.

Base Stat Total (BST)

The Base Stat Total, commonly called BST represents the statistical values of a Temtem species in general. Every Temtem of the same species will start from this base and then other values will have an impact.

To use an analogy with the real world dogs usually have four legs and human beings tend to walk on their legs and have 2 arms, some dogs may have lost a leg and some humans may have lost an arm or a leg but in general they all start with the same rough design.

Standard Values (SV)

The Standard Values, or SVs are sort of the “genetic material” of a Temtem. Every Temtem has a value set between 1 and 50 for each of the 7 Stats With 1 being the worst possible and 50 being the best SV possible.

SVs are almost set in stone and can be modified only by using very rare items that are very hard to obtain. It is best to consider a Temtem to not be able to change its SV overall to make things easier to understand.

What is interesting is that SV are transferred to children when Temtems make babies. For each of the 7 stats, by default, the child has a:
40% chance to inherit the best SV between its two parents
40% chance to inherit the average of the two parents’ SV
20% chance to inhterit the worst SV between its two parents

It is possible to “lock” a SV from either parents by using special gear (more on that in the breeding section down below).

TemTem 1.0 Traits 2022 Wiki

TemTem 1.0 Traits are special abilities that each Temtem has in battle. Every Temtem species has 2 possible traits and there is a 50% chance to find either. Some Temtem species share the same traits while others are specific to some species making them even more unique.

It is worth noting that some Traits can make some unevolved Temtems worth considering.

For example some Temtem lines have the Camaraderie trait available for their first stage of the evolutionary line making all damage reduced by 50% if they are teamed up with another Temtem of the same evolutionary line.

The starter TemTem 1.0 always have the same trait when offered to the player.

It is possible to pass down the trait of a Temtem to its baby when breeding by using a specific gear item available in the breeding center shop. Otherwise traits are chosen at random for the newborn Temtems.

Basics of TemTem 1.0 Breeding 2022

To access the Breeding Center you need to have access to the 2nd island you visit during your journey: Omninesia.

Here is the map with the shortest path to go to the Breeding Center from the moment you arrive for the first time in Omninesia.

The Breeding Center, as the name suggests, allow players to put Temtems in it to breed new baby Temtems.

It is possible to deposit up to two couples at the same time and they have to be pairs of a male and a female sharing at least one type in common.

This means for example that any Water Temtem can have a baby with any other Water Temtem of the opposite gender (even if they have two types at the same time).

That’s it for this TemTem 1.0 Guide Wiki – Traits, Basics of Breeding
