Hi guys, Today I will show you the Best Challenger 3 Decks 2022 ( Best 4600 Trophies Deck ), These decks will help you reach Master 1 Leauge in clash royale. I know it’s very hard to reach the master 1 league because there are so many over-leveled players in the 4600 trophy range.

If you get stuck in Clash Royale Challenger 3 league and looking for the Best Challenger 3 Deck in 2022, then you are in the right place because I am going to list down all the best challenger 3 decks that are working well in Clash Royale Meta 2022.

Best Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2022

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

This Knight Goblin Barrel Deck Deck is one of the best Clash Royale Challenger 3 Deck in the 4600 trophies range, This deck has a 51.6% win rate in the game, also this Knight Goblin Barrel cycle deck is incredibly strong Grand Challenge.

This deck has the Princess, goblin gang, Ice Spirits, and the inferno tower which can all be used to bait out your opponent’s small spell so you can punish them with your Goblin barrel which is the main win condition inside this Knight Barrel Deck deck.

The Knight is a Primary Defensive Card, which is used to defend support troops, then counter push with a Goblin Barrel.

The Knight offers insane value for 3 elixirs, with his tank, and ability to fight back, unlike the ice golem. He can be used to distract support troops, while the Inferno Tower melts things like Giants and Golems away. You can also pop him in front of the princess at the bridge to tank for her.

Goblin Barrel: One of the Chip Damage Cards in the deck. I usually like to use him after my opponent plays a relatively expensive card. If my opponent places a Golem at the back, place the Knight at the bridge and throw a Goblin Barrel.

This Princess Knight Goblin Barrel Deck Arena 10+ k has two win conditions which are the Goblin Barrel and the Rocket

These two win conditions are your primary damage dealers, but one of them is almost always used for tower damage (Goblin Barrel), and the other one (Rocket) is only used in two situations

2.) Best Mega Knight Skeleton Barrel Deck for Challenger 3

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

This Mega Knight Skeleton Barrel Deck has a 56.3% win rate in Challenger 3 league and This can will help you to reach 5000 trophies very easily.

The overall playstyle of this Mega Knight Skeleton Barrel Deck Arena 10 relies on Offense some time on defens The Miner+Barrel has a higher skill ceiling so it’s not exactly easy to use but it is very reliable for me to reach 4800+

this Mega Knight Skeleton Barrel Deck Arena 10 relies on Offense If you fall into playing the opponent’s style, you’ll lose. The only exception is control decks, where you’ll have to be more patient. The good thing about this deck is that every card has wide versatility,

so that if one type of offensive push isn’t working against a particular opponent, you have other solid approaches to help you win

3.) Prince Firecracker Log Bait Best Challenger 3 Decks 2022

Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

This Prince Firecracker Log Bait Deck is very good for Challenger 3 and Grand Challenge. This is a very fast pace deck and we all know that Bait decks require some skill to play because you need to get value from every card and know which ones to save for defense and offense

Prince is your main tank killer, He has a lot of counter push potential especially if you can bait out the opponent’s log spell. I strongly advise not trying to punish your opponent with the prince on the bridge, He is an amazing card on the offensive card as well as defense, able to take care of countless threats. Use him defensively to take care of heavy tanks and support by placing him behind the Rascals, allowing him to take care of the supports then charge over to the tank and take it down with ease.

Princess is a good support card in this deck, if the opponent has a minion horde you should play a high princess to support the prince when possible.

Try to keep her alive if you play her in the opposite lane, this can result in your opponent playing their log which means you can then go ahead and punish them with Goblin Barrel and She will help to take out support troops against a big push

4.) Skelton Dragons Royal Giant Deck for Grand Challenges 2022

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

This Giant Skeleton Royal Giant Hunter deck is currently incredibly strong in Challenger 3, If you are in Challenger 3 or above Arena 13 then it’s worth trying out if you’re looking for a Best Clash Royale Decks 2021 for trophy pushing.

Royal Giant is your main win condition in this deck, Always try to protect him as much as possible with your support units to allow him to get maximum damage during double elixir and sudden death. The main counter to this card is the inferno tower, if the opponent is running that card then try to cycle two royal giants and play barb barrel if possible to tank some damage from the inferno tower.

For defense we have Hunter and Fisherman, Hunter He is very good against Baby Dragon, Wizard, and also Executioner,  he has a lot of health and It can actually take out a Mini P.E.K.K.A. If it’s dropped on top of the Hunter. The Hunter is an absolute beast on defense and can take out most units when paired with Fisherman.

This Giant Skeleton Royal Giant Hunter Deck has a 56.5% win rate in clash royale, Avg Elixir of this deck is 3.6 elixir, that mean you cycle your Giant Skeleton or Royal Giant very easily.

5.) Miner Wallbreaker Firecracker Fireworks Show Challenge DeckClash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

You Main push miner to back of tower and wall breakers at bridge and Wall Breakers are great opening play if you have them in the cycle, Miner also important to use to help get chip damage throughout the match. Against bait decks you might need to use this guy to snipe the princess, In double elixir, you can start to use your spells to support your miner

6. ) Miner Pekka Balloon Best Challenger 3 deck 2022

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

This Miner Pekka Balloon deck is working well in Challenger 3 and Master 1 as well, this deck is super strong on defense, the Pekka can be used against bridge spam, bait, graveyard and she has high HP allowing your towers more time to shut down their push.

Miner, this is the win condition. In some matches, you may end up Snowball-and-Miner-cycling to slowly chip away their tower if your Balloon doesn’t make it even after a few attempts.

You can use him as your secondary win condition if your opponent has a super solid counter to your Balloon and Pekka.

Miner is probably the best tank for your Balloon since it can pop up anywhere and take out defending units. Always start off with the anti-Tornado placement, and if the opponent doesn’t have a Tornado, start mixing up the placements.

Ice Golem and Miner is a strong offensive combo if your opponent is caught off guard, and for 2 Elixir the Ice Golem is extremely good in this deck, as well as keeping the Elixir cost low!

It has the most health for two elixir and even then it still has more health than a lot of 4 elixir units. Because it only targets buildings, it’s the best card in the game for kiting enemy units into the other lan

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

You’re going to be facing lots of pekka’s paired with electro wizards and bats. Here’s how I deal with them: Place your Musketeer at a safe distance, the further back you can place it to build up elixir, the better. When the Mega Knight and Bandit are at the bridge, immediately toss in the mega knight. He should kill the ewiz if placed properly,

8.) Goblin Cage Graveyard Baby Dragon Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2022

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

This Goblin Cage Graveyard Baby Dragon Deck 2022 is very famous in Clash Royale Grand Challenge 2021, This deck has 72% Win rate in clash royale ladder, If you love Graveyard decks then this deck is for you. It will help you reach 5200 trophies very easilyThis deck has the famous trio, baby dragon, E wiz and Goblin Cage which synergies very well together to help you defend and counter push. With all graveyard decks you should primarily focus on defending and then counter pushing throughout the  match.

Goblin Cage Graveyard Baby Dragon Deck  2022 Challenger 3 Deck Tips:

  • Hover your support spell over the tower to have a faster reaction to their counter.

  • If you get a tower down very low on HP switch to the other tower and begin whittling it down, you want to activate the King Tower as late as possible.

  • Space your Ewiz out of Fireball and Poison range when using your Goblin Cage on defense, like this.

The key to winning against heavy decks is to immediately drop the Goblin Cage if they start their push farther back (not at the bridge), that way you can cycle to a 2nd Goblin Cage by the time they kill the 1st one. You may also choose to pressure the opposite lane so they cannot build a full push

9.) Pekka deck for Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2022

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

Pekka is the main win condition of this Pekka Skeleton Dragons Deck, obviously. She is excellent against beat down decks, hog rider decks, royal giant, etc, which is extremely popular in the current metagame. Since she has 7 Elixir costs so. I usually place her at the back so I can have enough Elixir to launch the big push when she is about to cross the bridge I drop my Skelton Dragon for swarm troops and ready with Lightning for Inferno Dragon/Tower.

The P.E.K.K.A will be mainly used against tanks like Golem, Giant, Big tank pushes as well as against Hog Riders. Electro Wizard: this card is a must in Pekka decks because I’ve seen a lot of sparkies and Inferno dragons in this meta and Electro Wizard will help you save your P.E.K.K.A from being melted against an Inferno Dragon/Tower.

His stun mechanic allows him to be played on defense at almost any time. Slows down tanks well and also chips a little at the support troops. PEKKA+E Wiz means not much is going to get through and can completely devastate even the largest of pushes.

Skeleton Dragons: This card pairs extremely well with the Pekka. Its splash is vital to the success of this Pekka Skeleton Dragon Deck, In this Deck,

the Skeleton Dragona often gets behind the Pekka to take care of Minions and does general chip damage. Even if it is not very expendable, four Elixir is a small investment to be a quick tank in many defensive situation

10.) Mega Knight Fisherman Deck 2022 All Legendary Decks

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

The strengths of this deck is it’s defensive potential. With the Mega Knight, Magic Archer and Fisherman, you scan clean up most pushes and create a deadly counter push with Bandit and E Wiz

This deck also has the Inferno Dragon which has been a very strong card in the July Meta 2019. You can use Inferno Dragon to Kill Big Tak Like Golem And Pekka

11.) Best Golem Deck 2021 for Challenger 3 2022

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

This is one of the best trophy pushing deck in clash royale 2022, you can use this Golem Skeleton Dragons Deck 2022 for Trophy Pushing also this deck is very good for Grand Challenges.

Golem is the main tank of your deck. He has the most health out of any tank in the game. he has the capability of taking the Tower on his own, and with support such as Night Witch or Skeleton Dragons, his potential can truly be maximized. 

You’ll use him mostly in double elixir time but oftentimes, in a situation where you have a 2+ elixir lead in single elixir time you can execute a tower-taking push in the first two minutes.

Night Witch: This card is a beast on defense, and perfect for counter-pushing. Behind a Golem with Skeleton Dragons, it is an absolute beast. The bats create a swarm and are perfect for chipping down troops, and your opponent will get punished if they leave the bats alone. They also can distract an Inferno Tower or Inferno Dragon if you don’t have Zap in your hand. The Night Witch itself does good damage.

In Defence Effective against ground troops like hog and miner. Playing her first behind your towers allows her more time to spawn bats which can help aid your defense. If the opponent has rocket or lightening try to keep her out of range of the towers to avoid giving the opponent good spell value

12.) Elixir Golem Electro Spirit Best Challenger 3 Decks 2022

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

Elixir Golem Electro Spirit Deck which is very good for trophy pushing in 2021, you can play this Elixir Golem Electro Spirit Deck 2022 in Grand Challenges, tournaments, and Ladder, This deck has Electro Spirit and Battle Healer that has great synergy with elixir golem and skeleton dragons

In the early game, I recommend trying to activate your king tower with the help of Tornado as early as possible, this is particularly important against hog rider, bait, and graveyard decks and You need to wait for the opponent to make the first play, always defend throughout single elixir and figure out what deck your opponent is playing.

you can play Elixir Golem at the back of your king tower and combined Elixir Golem with Battle Healer and Skeleton Dragon or Electro Dragon. 

This Battle Healer Elixir Golem Electro Spirit Deck Arena 12+ is ok against All bait decks, if your opponent zaps/Logs/arrows certain cards, you have other cards in your deck that you can get good value out of. if they use fireball on your Skeleton Dragons now you can make a huge push with Giant+Night Witch+ Electro Dragon

so, guys, that’s it for this guide, I hope this Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2022 guide will help you to reach 5200+ trophies, all these are very good for Challenger 3 and so many players are using these decks in Clash Royale January Meta 2021
