Hi guys, Welcome to our Anime Adventure Tier List Update 7.5 Wiki, In this Anime Adventures Tier List Update 6.5, we will show you Anime Adventures Legendary and Anime Adventures Mythical Tier List. Here we are Ranking all Anime Adventures Mythicals and Anime Adventures Legendaries Overall (numbers will determine their ranking of ALL characters) Example: 1 = best unit, 16 = worst unit

So come and take a look at this Anime Adventures Tier List Trello – Legendary and Mythical Tier List. ALso check out here: Anime Adventures Wiki Codes Trello – Free Gems & Tickets and Anime Adventures Officail Trello and 

Anime Adventure Tier List Update 7.5 Wiki 2022 November

Anime Adventure Tier List Update 7.5 Wiki S TIER  

Anime Adventures Legendary Tier List Update 6.5 and Anime Adventures Mythical Tier List Update 6.5

.1. Madara: Top tier Mythical, having really amazing damage, incredible range, and big cone AOE. The most versatile mythical in the game for any game mode. (Mythical)

.2. Broly: Amazing DPS, Range, and Full AOE. Cooldown roughly around Madara’s. Cost is expensive, so I suggest prioritize getting a money unit then this. (Mythical)

.3. Dio: Upgrade turns attack to Timestop, paired with overall amazing stats with spa slightly high, but the TS makes up. This unit is versatile with any build. (Legendary)

.4. All might: The most balanced mythical in the game, really good damage with good range. The Bubble AOE can cover up most of an enemies which makes him cost efficient. (Mythical)

.5. Erwin: The best buff and summon unit. It gives a 25% DMG boost to units in range, as well as summoning a unit with 1k HP every 10 seconds which will grant a huge coverage. (Legendary)

.6. Bulma: The best money unit currently. Can make up to 8k a round, Useful for when using expensive units. (Legendary)

Anime Adventures Tier List Update 7 – A TIER

Anime Adventures Legendary Tier List and Anime Adventures Mythical Tier List

.7. Diavolo: Really high DPS, single target. Erased time ability is extremely helpful in infinite mode. This unit is mostly good in infinite mode. Story mode can be done with, but not best with. (Mythical),.ml;/=

.8. Rengoku: A very good supporting DPS unit. Damage is really good with an addition of good burn damage, good range and decent spa. (Mythical)

.9. Pain: His ability pushback is very helpful any game mode, stats are lacking in DPS and kind of expensive cost, his large AOE and op ability makes up for it. One flaw with his ability is that it hits a limited amount, only a few. Can push back bosses. (Legendary)

.10. SSJB Goku: Good stats for a legendary. Good DPS, range, SPA and AOE cone. Very expensive. Good in story and does exceptionally well in infinite mode. (Legendary)

.11. Levi: The best support DPS unit. Amazing DPS, SPA, and range. Only downfall, is that his AOE cone is too small. He’s a supporting unit that can help kill bosses but not a main unit that can carry you. (Mythical)

.12. Giorno: Overall balanced legendary. Good stats all around. DPS is amazing, as well as range, SPA and cost. No ability but a really well rounded legendary. (Legendary)

Anime Adventures Best Unit Tier List B TIER

Anime Adventures Legendary Tier List and Anime Adventures Mythical Tier List

.13. Itachi: Stats are very similar to Goku Black which is mediocre. Only thing that makes him better is his dark flames that does burn. Very underwhelming for a legendary. (Legendary)

.14. Armin: Worst Mythical in the game due to his bad ability and bad damage output. He attacks every 60 seconds with an ability with a huge full AOE cone. Having around 5k DPS attacking every 60 seconds is heavily underwhelming. (Mythical)


Anime Adventures Legendary Tier List and Anime Adventures Mythical Tier List

.15. Goku Black: His stats are very mediocre. He has good AOE cone, range and SPA but his DPS output is one of the worst paired with his other stats. Underwhelming unit. (Legendary)

.16. Eren: Having Erwin introduced made Eren practically useless. Eren minions have bad hp, attack titan is not massively better. Erwin is all around better. (Legendary)

.17. Dabi: The worst unit in this tier list. He has very underwhelming stats. Bad DPS, range, high spa with a big AOE circle. Although the AOE circle is big, it does not win over to how bad his stats are. (Legendary)

All units have been tested

Anime Adventures Legendary Tier List and Anime Adventures Mythical Tier List Update 7

Tier List Anime Adventure

Anime Adventures Epic Tier List Update 7

Ranking all Epics overall. Rares will not be included in this tier list since most of them are useless/unusable. However there will be 3 rare units in this tier list which I find are good and useable. (Numbers will determine their overall ranking through all EPICS AND RARES ONLY). Example: 1 = best unit, 17 = worst unit.

Reason why I separated epics from legendaries and mythicals is because they are on a whole other league than epics. Ranking epics in the same tier list as legendaries and mythicals will make people think there are some epics better than legendaries or mythicals (which they are not).

Update 7 Anime Adventures Epic Tier List S TIER

  • Jotaro: Currently the best epic unit in the game. He has amazing dps for an epic unit with very big range and amazing spa. He has a timestop ability which freezes enemies. He is a single target unit but his stats and ability makes up for it. (Epic)

  • Todoroki: The best epic debuffer in the game. His attacks freezes enemies for 1 second then burns them. Paired with a good range, really good dps for an aoe epic unit and amazing spa makes him the best epic debuffer. He is pricey. (Epic)

  • Speedwagon: The best money maker before Bulma. Reason why he isn’t number one is because the amount of money you get from waves are enough to max out most characters in the game. Extremely useful for units who have a high upgrade cost. (Epic)

  • Update 7 Anime Adventures Epic Tier List A Tier

  • Gaara: Everytime he attacks, he stuns enemies for about 2 seconds. He has very good dps with big range and a big aoe circle with really good spa makes him the second best epic debuffer. (Epic)

  • Killua: The most balanced epic unit in the game. He has good dps with good range and a big aoe circle. Paired with a good spa makes him the most balanced epic. (Epic)

  • Overhaul: He’s on the same level as killua. He has good dps with good range and big aoe circle with a good spa. Only downfall to him is that he’s really pricey. (Epic)

  • Frieza: Very good neutral unit. He has good dps for a epic unit. He has a very big aoe with amazing range. His spa is lacking with no ability but his stats make up for it. (Epic)

  • Inosuke: He is also a very good neutral unit. He has good dps, good range and good spa. He has a cone aoe that attacks in a straight line. He is good for both story and infinite. (Epic)

  • Josuke: He is the best rare unit in the game. Everytime he attacks he dissemble them or stuns them for about 2 seconds. Paired with good dps for a rare unit, good range and very good spa, he can be a unit that can constantly stun enemies. He is kinda pricey. (Rare).

  • Anime Adventures Epic Tier List B TIER

  • Kakyoin: He is a very mediocre unit. He has really good range with a big aoe circle but his dps is really underwhelming plus he has no ability. (Epic)

  • Sanji: Second best rare unit. He has good dps with good aoe and burn damage every time he attacks. He is your second option if you do not have josuke. (Rare)

  • Sakura: She is the second best attack buffer in the game before Erwin. She gives a 10% attack buff plus she is a full aoe attacker but her attack is bad and small range. Don’t recommend her for attack buff because Erwin is a thing. (Rare)

  • Anime Adventures Epic Tier List C TIER

  • Genos: He is another mediocre unit. He is a single target unit. He has ok dps for a single target with ok spa. His range is big but not enough to make up for his bad dps.

  • Kakashi: A below average epic. He has good range with good aoe cone but his damage is so underwhelming. Kinda good spa but does not make up for his bad dps. (Epic)

  • Zenitsu: He has ok dps with very good range and good straight line aoe cone. Biggest downfall on him is that he is way too expensive. Plus his dps is not good, he is not reliable for any gamemode. (Epic)

  • Anime Adventures Epic Tier List D TIER

  • Piccolo: He is a very bad epic unit. He has below average dps and a horrendous straight line aoe. He has a very big range but his attack and bad straight line aoe pulls him down real hard. (Epic)

  • Ichigo(Mask): Worst epic unit. He has the worst dps. Good range and straight line aoe but he has 20 dps and costs more than 8000 to max. Do not get him. (Epic)

  • All units have been tested

    That’s it for this Anime Adventures Tier List Upd 7 – Legendary and Mythical Tier List.

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