Hi guys, here are the Best Clash Royale Decks 2022 for Arena 13, these meta decks will help you get to Master 3 league in Clash Royale. This article contains the best Clash Royale meta decks 2022 for Trophy pushing, Grand Challenges, Tournaments, and Arena 13+

You can find the best Clash Royale Decks 2022, best grand challenges deck 2022, best trophy pushing decks 2021 on our website, so Let’s take a look at the best Clash Royale Meta Decks 2022 January Arena 13.

Goblin Cage Graveyard Best Clash Royale Decks 2022 June

Goblin Cage Graveyard Best Clash Royale Meta Decks 2021

This Goblin Cage Graveyard Baby Dragon Deck 2021 is very famous in Clash Royale Grand Challenge 2021, This deck has 72% Win rate in the clash royale ladder, If you love Graveyard decks then this deck is for you. It will help you reach 5200 trophies very easily this deck has the famous trio, baby dragon, E wiz, and Goblin Cage which synergies very well together to help you defend and counter push. With all graveyard decks, you should primarily focus on defending and then counter pushing throughout the match.

Goblin Cage Graveyard Baby Dragon Deck  2022 Challenger 3 Deck Tips:

  • Hover your support spell over the tower to have a faster reaction to their counter.

  • If you get a tower down very low on HP switch to the other tower and begin whittling it down, you want to activate the King Tower as late as possible.

  • Space your Ewiz out of Fireball and Poison range when using your Goblin Cage on defense, like this.

The key to winning against heavy decks is to immediately drop the Goblin Cage if they start their push farther back (not at the bridge), that way you can cycle to a 2nd Goblin Cage by the time they kill the 1st one. You may also choose to pressure the opposite lane so they cannot build a full push Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Goblin Cage Graveyard Baby Dragon Deck  2021 Challenger 3 Deck

Best Golem Deck 2021 for Meta 2022

Clash Royale Best Golem Decks 2021

This is one of the best trophy pushing deck in clash royale 2021, you can use this Golem Skeleton Dragons Deck 2021 for Trophy Pushing also this deck is very good for Grand Challenges.

Golem is the main tank of your deck. He has the most health out of any tank in the game. he has the capability of taking the Tower on his own, and with support such as Night Witch or Skeleton Dragons, his potential can truly be maximized. 

You’ll use him mostly in double elixir time but oftentimes, in a situation where you have a 2+ elixir lead in single elixir time you can execute a tower-taking push in the first two minutes.

Night Witch: This card is a beast on defense, and perfect for counter-pushing. Behind a Golem with Skeleton Dragons, it is an absolute beast. The bats create a swarm and are perfect for chipping down troops, and your opponent will get punished if they leave the bats alone. They also can distract an Inferno Tower or Inferno Dragon if you don’t have Zap in your hand. The Night Witch itself does good damage.

In Defence Effective against ground troops like hog and miner. Playing her first behind your towers allows her more time to spawn bats which can help aid your defense. If the opponent has rocket or lightening try to keep her out of range of the towers to avoid giving the opponent good spell value Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Night Witch Golem Skeleton Dragons Deck 2022 for Challenger 3

Best Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2022

Clash Royale Best Challenger 3 Decks 2021

This Knight Goblin Barrel Deck Deck is one of the best Clash Royale Challenger 3 Deck in the 4600 trophies range, This deck has a 51.6% win rate in the game, also this Knight Goblin Barrel cycle deck is incredibly strong Grand Challenge.

This deck has the Princess, goblin gang, Ice Spirits, and the inferno tower which can all be used to bait out your opponent’s small spell so you can punish them with your Goblin barrel which is the main win condition inside this Knight Barrel Deck deck.

The Knight is a Primary Defensive Card, which is used to defend support troops, then counter push with a Goblin Barrel.

The Knight offers insane value for 3 elixirs, with his tank, and ability to fight back, unlike the ice golem. He can be used to distract support troops, while the Inferno Tower melts things like Giants and Golems away. You can also pop him in front of the princess at the bridge to tank for her.

Goblin Barrel: One of the Chip Damage Cards in the deck. I usually like to use him after my opponent plays a relatively expensive card. If my opponent places a Golem at the back, place the Knight at the bridge and throw a Goblin Barrel.

This Princess Knight Goblin Barrel Deck Arena 10+ k has two win conditions which are the Goblin Barrel and the Rocket

These two win conditions are your primary damage dealers, but one of them is almost always used for tower damage (Goblin Barrel), and the other one (Rocket) is only used in two situations Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Best Clash Royale Knight Goblin Barrel Deck 2022

4.) Poison Miner Hunter Deck 2022 for Arena 11+

4.) Poison Miner Hunter Deck 2021 for Arena 11+

The Strategy of this Poison Miner Hunter Deck 2022 for Arena 11+ is the same as your usual Miner Control Deck As you can see, this is a cheap elixir deck You have to deal with damage by using the Miner as a tanker followed by cheap units like Ice Spirit and Log. This deck is all about defending and counterpunching, and chipping!

If you have the Miner in hand, you can directly go to his tower to check what cards he will use to counter your Miner If they have Goblins and no Barrel, I would maybe use a Miner in front of Tower+ pre-emptive Log for an example. This will allow you to get the Log damage+ Miner damage.

Hunter and Knight will be your main defensive card, You can use Tornado to activate your knight tower and Miner will help you to take out the opponent pump and Princess Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Poison Miner Hunter Deck 2022 for Arena 11+

5.) Clash Royale 3 Musketeer Best Clash Royale Meta Decks 2022

5.) Clash Royale 3 Musketeer Best Clash Royale Meta Decks 2021

Pros about this deck

  • This deck give you many options on defense and offense despite the high average elixir cost
  • This deck gives you immense comeback potential. You can often win even if you have a significant tower health deficit
  • You can win unfavorable matchups if you play skillfully and don’t make any critical mistakes
  • You can change your playstyle depending on the situation of the match
  • This deck is less prone to card nerfs

Cons about this deck

  • This deck does not have massive matchup advantages to many decks
  • One mistake with this deck can cause serious problems
  • You will often take quite a bit of damage in single elixir time
  • Your card cycles can easily get messed up if your opponent plays well or if you had to play an awkward defense
  • The pump does not appear in the starting hand, preventing you to pump up of your opponent does not make a starting move

How to play this 3 Musketeer Battle Ram Deck 2022 Arena 10+

Single Elixir Time

  • If you make the first move do not play a card higher than 3 elixir since you might not have enough elixir on defense if they try to play aggressive
  • Try to play passively and pump up as safely and as often as you can
  • Counter your opponent’s pushes while keeping up with their cycle
  • If they have a large elixir deficit, try to counter push to punish
  • Only play the three musketeers reactively to counter pushes
  • Try to split your opponent’s damage between the two princess towers

Double Elixir Time

  • This is when you can play more aggressively
  • If your opponent does not have any hard counters to your three musketeers in cycle, you can safely split three musketeers in the back and place an ice golem on the two musketeers side and a battle ram on the one musketeer side. Make sure to get your zap ready and send a miner to deal additional damage or redirect units
  • In double elixir time, it is not recommended to pump up since you will give spell value to your opponent and it is often the case that your opponent can out cycle their spells for your three musketeers. Only pump up if you can’t push and have an elixir advantage that you readily can’t use.
  • If one of your towers is low and another is healthy and you are worried that your opponent will spell cycle you, split three musketeers where two musketeers are on the health tower side and the one musketeer is on the low health side. If they use their spell on the one musketeer side. Go hard in the paint on the two musketeer side.

If your tower health is super low, you must apply constant pressure to prevent them from spell cycling you. It is all or nothing. You can use your minion horde more liberally and make more risky plays if you can’t break through your opponent’s defenses Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Poison Miner Hunter Deck 2022 for Arena 11+

6.) Mega Knight Bandit Clash Royale Decks 2022

Mega Knight Bandit Deck 2019

Mega Knight: Main Damage Dealer His main role in this deck is defending pushes and then counterattacking with Battle Ram or a Bandit

In single elixir, You have to use this card just 1-3 times because he’s so expensive. His main problem is DPS, so pairing him with Bats is a perfectly devastating push for only 9 elixirs.

I rarely would deploy him in the back because you need to save his landing damage for defending hogs and other attacks., In double elixir, you can easily defend a big push and then throw everything behind him for a massive unstoppable push!

Bandit: She’s your main offensive support.  Bandit is perfect for placing behind a Battle Ram or Mega Knight and destroying towers with ease.

She’s not only your best offensive support, she’s also a major defensive card in this deck. Her dash and just general 160 DPS is perfect for killing small to medium HP cards.

Battle Ram: The Battle Ram is your primary win condition in this deck. A tourney standard ram can nearly take out a tower on its own if left alone and you would be surprised how often this actually happens Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Mega Knight Bandit Deck 2022 »

7.) Pekka Graveyard Clash Royale Meta Decks 2022

Pekka Graveyard Poison Deck 2019

  • PEKKA: The bread and butter of the deck, your counter to any big push, and also hog rider. Either left to die on its own after a good trade, or supported by graveyard/snowball/ewiz if you can get more out of it.
  • Graveyard: Turns your counter pushes into a dead tower. Occasionally played cross lane with knight when PEKKA is going to slaughter whatever they dropped in front of it, or if they played witch behind tower. Correct placement is barely, barely encircling the tower. If their opposite side tower is shooting your skeletons, move it over one tile. Level doesn’t matter much with it, since either they counter it or they don’t. Still, if it leaves their tower barely alive level can be frustrating.
  • Poison– Needed to kill big pushes like golem/NW, buildings, and also mops up ranged units played during a GY push. Usually save it for the building, unless you’re planning on whittling them down with GY poison.
  • Furnace– Typical usage, but don’t be afraid to play it at bridge to kill princess, or 4/5 up from king tower to kill support units behind a miner. Can kill bandit by itself without taking much damage at all. Baits balloon 4 up, hog 3 up. If it’s not stopping a push, furnace is your secondary wincon. If they aren’t hitting it with spells, having 2 up makes your pushes easy. If they are hitting it with spells, they’ll have a hard time stopping graveyard.

The Pekka Graveyard Poison Deck focuses on defending with positive trades into big counter-pushes with graveyard, PEKKA, and snowball/poison Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Pekka Graveyard Deck 2022 | Pekka Furnace Deck 2022

8.) Giant Battle Healer Clash Royale Meta Decks 2022

Clash Royale January Meta Decks 2020

Giant: Giant is your main tank inside this deck and can be used to help keep your musketeers alive for as long as possible. He can be used to kite units like Pekka or prince into the opposite lane or stop some units from connecting to your princess towers.

Three musketeers: Three musketeers should’ve played cautiously and only when you know your opponent can’t punish you for playing them. After their recent buff and the introduction of a healer, their counter push will be extremely hard to defend. Remember to use them on a split lane push in most matches unless you’re opponent doesn’t have a good counter

Early game aims to pump up and gain an elixir advantage. Work out what deck your opponent is playing and try to bait out their key counters to your musketeers. Don’t play too aggressively in single elixir you should only really apply pressure through a counter push or via a battle ram opposite lane if they play a large tank behind their towers Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Giant Battle Healer Deck 2022 for Trophy Pushing

9.) Baby Dragon Golem Clash Royale Meta Decks 2022

NEVER, EVER use Golem as a starting hand as you might get punished easily. As I said above, best time to go with Golem at the back is when you just defended their win condition with positive Elixir trade.Use Baby Dragon and Mega Minion to defend against most pushes Continue Reading »

10.) Miner Balloon Elixir Golem Clash Royale Meta Decks 2022

Balloon: This not the only, but it’s the main win condition of this deck. Doing hugs damage per hit, one single drop is often enough to bring the tower low enough so that you can chip it down with Miners and Elixir Golem, One great thing about Balloon is that most people ignore its death damage unless they use Tornado. 

Check Out Here: Top 7 Best Balloon Deck 2022 Trophy Pushing Deck

Miner: This is the second win condition: In some matches you may end up Snowball-and-Miner-cycling to slowly chip away their tower if your Balloon doesn’t make it even after a few attempts. Miner is probably the best tank for your Balloon along with Elixir Golem since it can pop up anywhere and take out defending units.

Skeletons: Not much to say about these Three fast, very weak melee fighters. Use them to distract any type of P.E.K.K.A coming at you. Or to Surround you enemies with this pile of bones. Any level Skeletons will do the job. You could replace them with Skeleton Army, Goblins or Guards.

Elixir Golem: Best tank card for 3 elixirs and best Support card for Counter Pushing with Miner and Balloon, Also Elixir Golem + Executioner Combo very Use full with Miner

Check Out Here: Top 5 Best Elixir Golem Deck 2022

Executioner: The best swarm killer himself, my first impression is that the executioner is a very strong card. Bait decks would probably have ruled the meta. His axe tears through swarms and is an excellent support for the Elixir Golem. He is a very good defensive card and works well paired with the Tornado . Can even be supported offensively with a Miner Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Miner Balloon Elixir Golem Best Executioner Deck 2022 Arena 10+

So guys this was the Top 10 Best Clash Royale Meta Decks 2022 January for Arena 13 ( Season 31 Mata Decks ) guide I hope you liked it.
