Hi guys, today I will show you the Clash Royale The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022, you can use these The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck  in The Floor is Healing Challenge

so Without further ado, let’s check out the The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

Lava Hound Goblin Cage The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

The Sand is Healing Deck

This is the first deck of The Floor is Healing Challenge, and this Lava Hound deck allows you to play on a high-level ladder. If you will play this correctly you can easily get wins. This deck is perfect for Arena 10+ players and the Lava Hound Goblin Cage Deck has 61.4% win rate in Grand Challenges.

In this deck, Lava Hound is your Primary Tank that will lead your push. Plays very similar to a golem, Protect the lava hound with the baby dragon and Inferno Dragon, and when all your units cross the bridge and have remained with decent HP, drop the Miner and enjoy the massive damage output. 😛

This card synergy well with almost every other card in this deck.

Miner is you another win condition of this lava deck, simply because of the chip damage, he can get off. Miner will also double as a distraction to soak up damage from the enemy tower when your Lava Hound dies and allows for the pups to do massive damage to the tower. For defense, you have Double Dragons, Barbarian, and Goblin Cage Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Lava Hound Goblin Cage Deck For Arena 10+

Best Clash Royale The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

Princess Knight Goblin Barrel Deck Arena 10+

This Knight Barrel Deck deck is one of the best deck in clash royale.This deck has the Princess, goblin gang, Ice Spirits and the inferno tower which can all be used to bait out your opponent’s small spell so you can punish them with your Goblin barrel which is the main win condition inside this Knight Barrel Deck deck.

The Knight is a Primary Defensive Card, which is used to defend support troops, then counter push with a Goblin Barrel.

The Knight offers insane value for 3 elixirs, with his tank, and ability to fight back, unlike the ice golem. He can be used to distract support troops, while the Inferno Tower melts things like Giants and Golems away. You can also pop him in front of the princess at the bridge to tank for her.

Goblin Barrel: One of the Chip Damage Cards in the deck. I usually like to use him after my opponent plays a relatively expensive card. If my opponent places a Golem at the back, place the Knight at the bridge and throw a Goblin Barrel.

This Princess Knight Goblin Barrel Deck Arena 10+ k has two win conditions which are the Goblin Barrel and the Rocket

These two win conditions are your primary damage dealers, but one of them is almost always used for tower damage (Goblin Barrel), and the other one (Rocket) is only used in two situations Continue Reading »

The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

Season 7 Global Tournament Deck January 2020

This is Giant Double Prince Deck, which is a very good deck to use in 2021 January Meta. In this deck, Giant is your main win condition and primary source of damage, you will usually have prince pushing giant or trying to punish the opponent with a giant mega minion on the bridge.

Prince and Dark Prince will be used to support Giant when you are going for counter push and Electro wizard is your main counter to hog rider, which is the bane existence of most other versions, alongside prince. It can be replaced with musketeer for higher DPS and longer range, but the e-wiz drop is really important when playing against minions, minion horde, bats, and even goblin barrel as it deals with them quicker.

We also have Miner in this deck, which is most important card in this deck and your success with this deck will be based on how well you can utilize miner. I would say this deck is easy to pick up, but mastering it is hard because of a miner. Continue Reading »

The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

February Meta Decks 2021

This Night Witch Skeleton Dragons Giant Deck is so strong on both offense and defense. On offense, you have the Giant and the night witch, on defense you have the Hunter and the Skeleton Dragons.

This deck relies on Counter push with Giant and chip damage to destroy the opponent tower. I don’t play this deck aggressively during the first minute, I would like to maybe play Skeletons at the back, or Giant at the back first.

If Giant is not in My Hand I go for mini-pushes like Miner+Skeletons, If your opponent puts an Elixir Collector in the middle, you can split Guards and Skeleton Dragons to push both lanes and Miner to their Collector. It wins confuse them so he won’t be able to guess which lane you are going to push Continue Reading »

Click Here to Read Full Depth: Night Witch Skeleton Dragons Giant Deck

Goblin Cage The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

February Meta Decks 2021

In the early game, your first and only priority is to figure out what deck your opponent is running, and what their counters to your Graveyard are..

Don’t go all out immediately, instead start off small with a Graveyard and Baby Dragon at the bridge.

 Mini Pekka The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

February Meta Decks 2021

This Royal Hogs Mini Pekka Magic Archer Royal Delivery Deck has a 57.1% Win Rate. This deck is mainly a Cycle deck but it also has blitz components like the Royal Hogs and chip components like the Ice Spirit and Skeletons with Mini Pekka

The royal hogs provide you a quick element of surprises like the e barbs and hog. These four cards will be your main source of tower damage in most matchups. If the opponent has fireball or Valkyrie then you need to wait until these units are out of the rotation

For Defence we have Hunter, Hunter This card is very Good For 4 Elixir though, he has a lot of health and it can actually take out a Mini P.E.K.K.An if it’s dropped on top of the Hunter. The Hunter is an absolute beast on defense and can take out most units But you have to Use this card to support Your, Royal Hog.

The magic archer will support your Royal Hog and mini Pekka pushes after a successful defensive sequence. Placement is the key, Magic Archer can earn you many elixir trade-offs and Placing him correctly can give you an insane amount of value especially if you can chip away at their tower while damaging their units. Continue Reading »

Graveyard Electro Giant The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

Season 16 Global Tournament Decks

The first win condition is your Electro Giant and Graveyard is the 2nd win condition and should ideally be used later game unless you feel you have a good opportunity to apply pressure early game. This card is best combined with a unit to tank tower damage such as the Mini Pekka or Musketeer. The Electro Giant can be used too if you’re counter pushing with him.

Electro Giant is your main tank and meat shield in this deck. Play him in fronts of your defensive units Like Mini Pekka and Musketeer to counter push. You can also use him to kite units into the opposite lane. Try to play your Graveyard when the giant is tanking tower damage.

For Defence we have, Skeleton Army & Mini Pekka and Musketeer & Bats, sometimes you can use Electro Giant in defense as well Continue Reading »

Clash Royale The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

Hog Firecracker Deck

One of the best clash royale cycle deck of clash royale, in this deck, Hog rider is your main win condition in this deck, . Can be used as the opening play. This is the card you will try to get as much as possible damage with. You can always mix him with Bats if your opponent doesn’t have a proper answer or with the Ice Spirit. this will allow your hog rider one extra hit on their tower or temporarily freeze any defensive units they play.

Mini Pekka can be used to help take down tanks and also bridge spam units like the ram rider, battle ram, hog or ghost. She can also be used to catch miners. Try to counter push behind this unit if it has over half it’s HP remaining. Never use this card at the bridge it should only be used as a defensive troop.

Best Clash Royale Hog Firecracker Deck Combo:

  • Hog + Ice Spirit (great, cheap combo, usually used at the start of the game)

  • Hog + Ice Golem (great at tanking for the hog and killing cheap troops such as skeletons)

  • Hog + Firecracker (two very fast cards that synergize well with each other)

  • Hog + The Log (The log can be used to take out cheap troops such as skeletons, you can also send in pre-logs which provide area denial for the time that the log is rolling Continue Reading »

    The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022

    My Best Clash Royale Deck for Grand Challenge, Elixir Golem is the Best Tank in the game for 3 Elixir don’t be too aggressive with your elixir golem, try to play him in front of your counter push units or behind your king tower if you have a Barbarian hut down. It’s the elixir golem blobs that do most of the damage especially if they’re in the healing radius of the battle healer or Heal Spirit

    Heal spirit is not only a cycle card but it is also a counter to spells like poison or fireball which can deal a ton of damage to you support cards. It can help your units win a 1v1 battle at the bridge as well.

    Electro dragon is a good defensive unit that provides you with a good counter push card. It can help slow down heavy units and it’s chain lighting ability means it can also counter support cards or swarm units like minions.

    Best splash unit to carry in an Elixir Golem deck as it deals a more amount of damage than the baby dragon, If possible, try to use it with the Elixir Golem in a push. Use it against swarms like Goblin Gang or Minion Horde. It can counter Musketeer very well. The Skeleton Dragons is used to take out ground/air swarm cards for positive Elixir trades/counter push potential Continue Reading »

    Click Here to Read Full Depth: Elixir Golem Heal Spirit Battle Healer Deck

    I hope you find this The Floor is Healing Challenge Deck 2022k Guide helpful, comment down below your favorite Best Clash Royale Decks 2022
