Hi guys, Welcome to our Ni No Kuni Cross World Cursing Equipment Guide< In this guide we will show you How To Curse Equipment in Ni no Kuni Cross Worlds. Equipment can be further improved through the use of black magic, by cursing it. Cursed equipment has a +20% boost to their base stats, but if you continue to strengthen it and it fails, you will incur a -10 drop in strengthening levels and lose the boost.

Although you can acquire curse redirection voodoo dolls, these can only be found as rare drops in the Atresia Castle Chaos Dungeon, which requires being level 116+ to enter. Because of this, you will not want to curse any equipment until you have already gotten it to a +30 strengthening level. So come and take a look at this Ni No Kuni Cross World Cursing Equipment Guide. Also read here: Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Dungeons Guide 2022

Ni No Kuni Cross World Cursing Equipment Guide

The Zaville Brothers

There is a Black Magic shop tucked away in a corner of the city in the Burning Desert, run by the Zaville Brothers.

Ni No Kuni Cross World Cursing Equipment Guide 2022 June

You can walk up to their shop normally or use the map to fast-travel to them. They will handle everything related to cursed equipment.

Cursing equipment in Ni No Kuni Cross World

The top option in the Zaville Brothers’ shop allows you to curse a piece of equipment in your inventory. You can chose any item, but it is only recommended to curse items that have already reached +30 strengthening.

Ni No Kuni Cross World Cursing Equipment Guide

The Zaville Brothers’ shop menu. Chose the top option to curse a piece of equipment, or the bottom option to strengthen a piece of equipment that has already been cursed.

Ni No Kuni Cross World Cursing Equipment Guide

Once you select a piece of equipment, you’ll see the cost: 100,000 gilders and 1,500 black magic crystals. Black magic crystals are usually acquired from Chaos Dungeon 4th floor monsters, but can also be acquired through the Cross Field token shop and as rewards from clearing bosses in the Distorted Boundary boss rush mode.

You will be warned about the benefits and dangers of cursing equipment (boost to stats when cursed, but loss of levels and boosts if strengthening fails) and asked to confirm your selection. Choose the button on the bottom right to continue.

Cursing equipment is so dangerous, a cut scene will play where the Zaville Brothers will warn you (again) and ask if you really, absolutely, positively, want to curse your piece of equipment. Choose the top (purple) option to confirm for the second (and final) time.

You have successfully cursed your equipment! It will now have a swirly purple mist in its icon whenever you see it in inventory or decks.

The info box for your equipment will now denote its cursed status in the name, and show a bar explaining it’s cursed and the boost you get from it.

Strengthening cursed equipment

Once equipment is cursed, you will have to go back to the Zaville Brothers’ shop any time you want to strengthen it.

Strengthening equipment requires an appropriate number of high-tier strengthening stones of the matching element and/or type. For weapons, you can chose any combination of matching element and rainbow (all element) strengthening stones. Remember that if this fails, your weapon will lose stats, so think carefully before doing this!

That’s it for this Ni No Kuni Cross World Cursing Equipment Guide 2022
