Giant Lumberjack Deck 2019 Hi guys Giant Lumberjack Deck 2019 this Giant Lumberjack Deck 2019 placed me 2nd and 6th in a 200 man tournament this is Giant Lumberjack Challenge deck to get you 12 Wins consistently in Grand Challenge so come and take a look at this guide

Also, take a look at this: Top 8 Clash Royale Giant Rage Challenge Deck ( Raged Giant )

Giant Lumberjack Deck 2019

1.) Lumberjack – Now one of the strongest cards, the Lumberjack is perfect for defending against troops like the miner, or even tankier cards like the giant (if there is enough time). If you defend with him and you have the elixir to spare, try pairing him up with the musketeer and the ice spirit to try and get some damage on towers before 2x elixir. Not only does he swing ridiculously quick, his move speed is very fast, meaning your opponent is going to have to think quickly if they want to defend against him. That, paired up with his death-rage can make for some really fun combos!

2.) Giant – The giant is simply one of the best tanks in the game right now. I don’t recommend playing the Giant down before 2x elixir, unless you have 2 pumps up. When you do place him, put him in the back, behind your king’s tower. You can use the giant defensively, as a meat shield, but I don’t recommend this. Most of the time, you’ll actually be better off if you save the 5 elixir, and let your opponent take 1 tower. That 5 elixirs will haunt your opponent in 2x elixir, where this deck destroys.

3.) Poison – For this deck, use the poison defensively before 2x elixir, and offensively after. This is going to be one of your biggest counters to other giant poison pushes. If I face against someone who is also epump-ing, I will use poison on their epump during the first 2 minutes of the match so that I can cycle to my epump. Since this deck has little splash damage, this will be key to removing small troops on your opponent’s side during your big push.

4.) Musketeer – This little lass is super crass and will kick your opponent’s derriere if she’s raged. In the first 2 minutes, I will do mini pushes to cycle to my epump. These mini pushes include the Lumberjack, Musketeer, and the ice spirit. If your opponent doesn’t successfully defend against this, they will take down a tower in one push, even before 2x elixir, when this deck thrives!

5.) Guards – These guys are strong defenders against the mini pekka and the miner, who is even easier to counter now that his spawn time is 1s again. You should use these guys defensively for the first 2 minutes. Once you’re at 2x elixir, you can place them at the bridge when your giant is about to cross so that they protect him from inferno towers and mini pekkas. They’re fantastic at protecting the musketeer too! One thing I love about these guys is the length of their spears. Because of this, they can defend against Valkyries by attacking from a safe distance if she’s locked on to another troop.

6.) Ice Spirit – A great card to cycle to get to your epump sooner! This little guy is also a key player in the mini push trio (Lumberjack, Musketeer, Ice Spirit). This mini push happens by defending with either the Musketeer or Lumberjack, then dropping the other when they are about to cross the bridge. People frequently try to counter this with either the Mini Pekka or the Valkyrie. Dropping the Ice Spirit at the right time (Right before your opponent drops a defending card) will freeze whatever they pick to defend, and the Musketeer and Lumberjack will take it out before it unfreezes. I frequently catch my opponent off guard with this combo and take down a tower with these cards alone because they don’t have the elixir to defend! This works great when you’re doing your main push with the giant too. It’s nearly unstoppable!

7.) Zap – Yes, it got nerfed, but it is still a great card, and very important in this deck. You want zap as another cycle card, and as a way to defend against hog pushes. Zap the supporting troops and drop the guards to take out the hog rider (Or a lumberjack and prepare for a mini push)

8.) Elixir Pump – For the first 2 minutes of the match, your entire goal should be to place as many of these down and protect it with all your gusto! Use guards and Lumberjacks to defend against miners, and position the pumps so that they aren’t so desirable to fireball or poison.’

Also, take a look at this: Top 8 Clash Royale Giant Rage Challenge Deck ( Raged Giant )

Defending Guide

Hog Cycle Decks – Hogs aren’t too difficult to handle with this deck. Zap supporting troops, and take out the Hog with the Guards or Lumberjack. Counterattack with the Lumberjack + Musketeer + Ice Spirit combo if you defended with the Lumberjack. With this defense you will most likely take damage to your tower, or even lose a tower to a good hog player. That’s OK. You’ll get them back after 2x elixir and 3 crown them! 🙂

Hog Trifecta Decks – Using Poison wisely is going to be key to defending the Hog Trifecta. If they drop the Musketeer on the same side of their epump, I’d recommend poisoning that. If they don’t, you will want to use poison to defend along with the musketeer, lumberjack, ice spirit, and guards (Depending on what is in your hand). Once again, it’s OK if they take a crown before 2x. You’ll get them back after the 2x elixir, but make sure you use the Ice Spirit at the right time with the Musk and LJ so that their Valk doesn’t wreck your attack.

Giant Poison Decks – Once again, Poison is going to be a key defender here. Use it to clear supporting troops and use the lumberjack and musketeer to take out the giant and supporting troops. If the Mini Pekka is one of their supporting troops, try dropping the guards in the middle of the map or near the top of the map so that they can’t poison both your tower and your guards. Make sure you are the last one to drop a giant after 2x elixir. This will allow you to defend a push, and counter it with an even stronger push. If possible, when my giant is about dead, I will drop a fresh one and the opponent can’t do much but give me their tower.

Giant Bowler Decks – This will be your toughest opponent. In my 200 man tournament, 4/5 of the people that beat me had the Bowler in their deck. To be completely honest, I haven’t faced the Bowler much, so I didn’t make the best troop placement, 

Also, take a look at this: Top 8 Clash Royale Giant Rage Challenge Deck ( Raged Giant )

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  • Thanks for reading this Giant Lumberjack Deck 2019 All comments, questions, and criticism is welcome
