Hi Guys, Welcome to our Rogue Legacy 2 Tier List In this Rogue Legacy 2 Tier List we will show you Rogue Legacy 2 Class Rankings and Tips. This Rogue Legacy 2 guide will teach you how to git gud by mastering the ins and outs of every class. I start by ranking the classes and listing their strengths and weaknesses, then give you some tips on what you can do to make the best use of those traits. There are a ton of classes in the game, and they define the gameplay of your run.

Every single one has tricks and nuances, and the more knowledge and skill you have about your tools the better you’ll do. And the awesomer you’ll feel – flying around chopping everything in half feels good too. So come and take a look at this Rogue Legacy 2 Tier List – Class Rankings and Tips

All About Rogue Legacy 2 Crits

Before we jump into the classes you’ll use to become a grandmaster monster killer, we need to talk a little about crits.

Crits start off useless and become incredibly powerful as you upgrade your character. There are three kinds of crits – skill, random, and super. Skill crits are things you can trigger with a weapon by hitting an enemy in a certain way. These add bonus damage based on dexterity (or focus for spells). Some ways to get skill crits are to dash while attacking with the sword, bounce the spoon off walls, or swing the axe on the ground. A random crit happens when you hit something normally while having a % chance to crit on hit through runes or relics. A super crit happens when you get a skill crit and a random crit at the same time.

Crits act as a damage multiplier, and there are a ton of ways to increase that multiplier. There are runes, relics, and equipment that raise your random crit chance, increase the power of your crits, increase the power of super crits, and even increase the chance of a regular crit turning into super crits. They’re multiplicative! The more of these things you get, the stronger all the others become. It is something to build toward in the late game. Early on, though, crits barely do any more damage. The intention of the developers was to get players to learn how to use the weapon in a basic way before encouraging them to go for crits.

What this means in terms of weapons is that weapons with poor crit potential are weaker the later you go in the game, and weapons with good crit potential are stronger the further you go in the game. You can easily do 500% or more of your regular damage if you get a super crit when you’ve got a lot of upgrades.

Rogue Legacy 2 Class Ranking – Intro

Here we go! I’ve rated them on several criteria, so I start with a basic rating from 1 to 5. Especially important traits are in bold. Here’s how I define these things:

Health – What their max health is. Simple but crucial.

Reach – How far away they can hit stuff. This is not just range, but also what directions they can attack. Boxers get a lower rank for their range because they attack straight ahead, while Gunslingers get a higher rank for their range because they can attack in every direction.

Ease of Use – How easy this class is to use. You get better with every class the more you use it, but some classes need more practice to even be sort of good in the first place.

Evasion – How easy it is to avoid getting hit with this class while still attacking. Major factors in this score are weapon reach, attack speed, and special ability.

Pierce – Do their attacks go through walls and enemies? Not too important for bosses but an absolute game changer for fighting regular enemies.

Rogue Legacy 2 Tier List

A Tier – Legendary Immortal Heroes

To qualify for the A tier, a class needs to excel in almost every situation, do a lot of damage safely, and have no glaring weaknesses. Without further ado, here are the very best classes


Valkyries have it all. They do great damage, have a good range that pierces through walls, and can attack in four directions. Their skill is incredibly powerful – they block any incoming projectile and if they block even one with their skill then the cooldown is instantly refreshed. No more worries about missile spamming bosses. To git gud as a Valkyrie, you need to master projectile deflection and dashing attacks. Deflection is pretty easy, but dashing attacks are harder.

The way Valkyries get skill crits is by attacking while dashing. Dashing at an enemy is pretty risky (though than other classes with crit-on-dash), so you need good timing if you do this. It is far safer to air dash above or below an enemy and stab downward or upward. This makes them especially well suited to fighting flying bosses because you’re going to be above or below them most of the time anyway.


Ronin are probably the best class in the entire game at killing things once you get used to them. Their reach is incredible, you can hit almost anything you can see. You’d think a guy with a sword would count as melee, but this is better classified as a ranged fighter. If you can hit with the edge of your blade then you can crit almost every time. They can clean out a room full of densely packed enemies in a matter of seconds, having better range and damage than even the Valkyrie. However, they are significantly less survivable than Valkyries because they have a miniscule health pool and their skill is only okay instead of fantastic. An overall very solid choice, especially in cramped areas with lots of walls such as Pishon.

To git gud as a Ronin, the main thing you need to do is master hitting enemies with the edge of his sword. The most important thing to know is that you really need to be hopping around – you’re stuck while attacking on the ground, but can move while attacking in the air. Once you do, you can crit almost every time. Two reasons for this – you do more damage this way, and it trains you to stay away from bad dudes. Getting skilled at aerial fighting is a critical as well, if you dash and diagonally slash you can kill things really quickly. Of particular note is the diagonal down slash – once you get a bunch of air vault runes it is very effective to stay above and to the right or left of many enemies and slash at them, since many don’t have an attack that hits diagonally upward.


Gunslingers are another powerful, well-rounded class. They do good damage and are really simple to use – just point and shoot. They are exceptional because it is so easy to attack without putting yourself in harm’s way. Your gun lets you hover as long as you hold attack, even when the gun is empty. It is easy to aim and does automatic skill crits once the magazine is mostly empty. Their main weakness is that while reloading, your character moves while you hit the fire button… which is different from how it usually works, and until you get used to it will cause you some extra pain. Their talent is also not great offensively or defensively.

To git gud as a Gunslinger, you need to be able to keep track of how much ammo you have, and use the skill crits from your last rounds effectively. Typically I keep the gun at the point where it starts getting skill crits, though I will use it with more ammo if I know I am going to shoot something beefy. The other thing you need to get good at is your air game. The ability to hover infinitely is really, really good. Once you master how to use this to stay safe, you will be able to blast through enemies while they can’t even hit you.

Ranger – Bow

This class’ main draw is the bow – and exceptional tool. It is harder to use than the gun, but with skill you can get a crit every single time and land almost all of your shots. You can kill the vast majority of enemies before they even get close to you, and with high DEX and crit multipliers you can delete most regular enemies in one well-timed shot. You can attack several bosses in relative safety, and the flying bosses won’t stand a chance since you can hit them from anywhere.

To git gud as a Ranger, the main thing you need is reliable skill at hitting your targets and getting skill crits. It is important to remember that you can fire in the air. It is really useful to jump to avoid attacks and shoot your attacker, especially since you retain your height a bit when you shoot. The ivy platform is well worth getting familiar with as it gives you a perch as well as the very powerful spore burst ability on every arrow you shoot from on top of it.

B Tier – Timeless Champions

To qualify for B tier, a class must either have both good offense and defense, or be incredibly effective at specific tasks. Here they are –

Barbarian – Axe

This guy is an absolute beast. Swinging the axe while on the ground is a guaranteed hit, as well as having a high base damage to start with. This class benefits from crit damage boosts more than any other in the game. The bonus vitality the Barbarian gets makes the class even tougher than the 100% health would suggest. You have two very different attack modes, too – using your axe in the air lets you spin. While not as powerful as your ground attack, it hits around you constantly, making you dangerous to anything nearby as well as invincible to those black spirit projectiles. Their talent is very good, destroying all nearby projectiles and freezing enemies. The only real weakness is the poor range of the class, which is bad enough to keep it from being A tier. Still, a very solid class that can obliterate enemies faster than almost any other (if not every other) class in the game.

To git gud as a Barbarian, you need to get used to dash cancelling out of your various attacks. The main ground attack is powerful and easy, so apart from dash cancelling there’s nothing to learn about it. The spinning jump is a whole new subject. You will need to get very familiar with the range, and become skilled at air dashing while using it in order to get constant crits.


The power of this class varies dramatically over the course of the game. While it becomes pretty weak in the mid and late game due to lack of reliable skill crits, before skill crits start to matter the Duelist does an astonishing amount of damage. Surprisingly, the Duelist is not a ground fighter at all, but an aerial master. They attack incredibly quickly in the air, dishing out a lot of damage. Ignore the totem’s advice, attacking in the air and then immediately attacking on the ground an okayish strategy but does far less damage than staying in the air. Their talent is a pretty good defensive trick with a short recharge. Unfortunately, their range is terrible and due to this it is almost impossible to get skill crits without getting hurt.

To git gud as a Duelist, you need to learn to stab the ♥♥♥♥ out of everything while in the air. It is not rocket science. The only other thing you need to do is learn to use their evasive roll effectively. It has a very quick cooldown time, and is vital since the Duelist is otherwise very vulnerable due to their short range.

Knight – Pizza

The pizza Knight is a straight upgrade from the sword Knight. Same general style, but the pizza has better range and does a lot more damage because it crits on the way back. The pizza is a simple weapon, just through it and watch those nice skill crits. However, if you’re feeling fancy you can learn to dodge the pizzas to get a spinning swarm of them around you. Not all that useful during most of the game, but very powerful against some bosses.

To git gud as a pizza Knight, you need to figure out exactly how the pizza boomerang mechanics work and use them to your advantage. This is still a quite simple class though, as apart from the boomerang everything here is straightforward.

Mage – Rod

The Mage is a very high damage class. Like, face-melting high. Don’t be fooled by that wand of blasting being a wizard tool, it scales with STR and DEX and because of constant skill crits it can do a hell of a lot of damage. This is combined with their spells, which are stronger than normal due to their INT bonus and they can spam them due to their mana drain special. They have one severe problem, though – they are heavily dependent on getting good spells. They are also pretty squishy at 70% health. Some spells to look for are the orbiting fire shield since it drains mana (and thus activates skill crits) constantly, as well as anything else that fires off instantly. You can take something brutal like gravity beam or prismatic spectrum as well to destroy things that are out of range.

To git gud as a Mage, you need to master the timing and range of the rod of blasting. It can hit twice if you time it right. Unfortunately, to really excel at this class you’re going to need to get to know basically every spell in the game. The good news is that you get two of them, so you have two chances to get one you are really good with.

C Tier – Determined Fighters

To classify as C tier, a class must have no real strengths or a very significant drawback.


While I’ve always wanted to harness the power of a black hole, the Astromancer really doesn’t quite live up to my expectations. While the black hole is cool and his talent is very good, the Astromancer is crippled by abysmal health and a main attack with a significant windup. They can become better if you get good spells, though, as they drain mana really quickly. This class also has amazing synergy with relics that need you to hit quickly, such as Serqet’s Stinger or the Boxing Bell. To git gud at using the Astromancer, you need to master the black hole. It does good damage and is unique in that it is a damage-over-time attack. You also need to get comfortable using spells at the same time as you’re attacking. Once you set up the black hole it just sort of does its thing, and during that time you need to be casting spells.

Barbarian Hammer

This is more or less a straight downgrade from the regular Barbarian. The difference between the two is that the hammer replaces the incredibly damaging ground attack of the fighter. This is fun, and Barbarians are supposed to spin to win, but losing your best attack hurts the class. To git gud as a Fighter (aka Hammer Barbarian) you will need to get familiar with the range of your hammer spin. You also need learn how to use constant air dashes to get crits by dashing back and forth above or below enemies.

Knight – Sword

Ahh, the character from Rogue Legacy 1 is back! Unfortunately, this class is pretty outclassed by others. The Knight has poor damage and range, and its skill crit involves a risky and hard-to-spam dash. The class talent is pretty weak, strictly inferior to something like the Valkyrie or Dragon Lancer. It has no particular strengths other than good health and mana pool. To git gud as a Knight, you’ll have to become skilled at dash attacks. That’s just about the only thing you can learn with them that makes them better, they have a low skill floor but also a very low skill ceiling.
