Hello there, everyone! We will show you All Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem Secrets in this Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem Secrets Guide. Once you have discovered all of the secrets in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem, you will gain the following achievements: Not a stone upon a stone and Sam the Traveler

In addition to achievements, collecting all secrets for multiplayer unlocks additional playable characters: Classic Sam – for finding and completing all secret levels, Broken Knight – for finding a secret in the 3rd chapter (secret #25 in the manual), Secret Sammy – for finding all the secrets in the game. Also read here: Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem Guide (Pipe Puzzle Solve)

Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem Secrets ( All List )

How to Find All Syberiada Secrets

A Smell Of Petroleum Prevails

1.1 Ammo

From the start follow the shoreline to the pipes and a pile of trash tucked away in a corner.

Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem Secrets ( All List )*Bonus (doesn’t count as secret): jump the pipes and go forward to find an interactable doll.

**Bonus: following the correct path you’ll stumble upon more pipes, nearby you can find a seagull (that flies away if you get too close) – kill it to spawn some more trouble.

1.2 Small Surprise

After picking up the shotgun, instead of following the path uphill, walk to the end of the beach and get inside the shipping container. Picking up health pop spawns gnaar in front and behind you.

Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem Secrets ( All List )1.3 Armor Up

the hill, on the second old pier – some armor.

Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem Secrets ( All List )1.4 A Secret Rocket Launcher!!! Wow…

Not far from the armor pier, to the right of a roadside lodge, a hole in the ground covered by wood. Break the wood and jump down.

1.5 C4 Near

the first oil rig road splits, follow the right path to a blue shack, deal with foes and continue to the right to end of the canyon. NOTE: KEEP AT LEAST ONE C4 BRICK TILL THE END OF THE LEVEL
