Hello everyone, Today we will show you Pubg New State Beginners Guide 2022, PUBG STUDIOS, the company behind PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS, has released PUBG: NEW STATE, a new Battle Royale game (PUBG). In PUBG: NEW STATE, 100 players will battle it out on a new battlefield with a variety of weapons and techniques until only one party remains. To survive the Battlegrounds’ free-fire zone and become the last Survivor standing, use gear, vehicles, and consumables.

Follow this article to find out Pubg New State Beginners Guide 2022.

Pubg New State Beginners Guide

The PUBG: NEW STATE supports Solo, Classic Squad, and Team Up Squad modes. Your preferred map and mode options can be chosen on the map selection page in the lower right corner of the screen. 

indicate the Team Mode and Auto-Matching options. After selecting a map, choose a game mode using the TEAM MODE button. To play Team Up Squad mode, select “Team Up Squad” as the Team Mode. AUTO MATCH can also be toggled on or off

Pubg New State Troi Map Location 2022

Introducing Troi, a map that can only be found on PUBG: NEW STATE. Set in 2051, Troi is a new city in PUBG lore and contains many unique landmarks. The city has many unique spots, each with its own signature designs and mechanics.

Pubg New State Troi map locations, including Military Camp, Trailer Park, Laboratory, Tram Factory, Exhibition Hall, Port, Police Station, Mall, Graveyard, Luxury House, and City Hall, allow for interesting and dynamic encounters with their own unique features and flair.

Pubg New State Team Up Squad Mode

  • Team Up Squad Mode brings a whole new spin to the DBNO (Down But Not Out) state.
  • In this mode, you can recruit players in DBNO state to your squad.
  • If one of your teammates has been downed, you can revive them and keep your squad together.
  • You can also recruit enemies who are in DBNO state to your squad. Each squad can have up to 4 members.

Pubg New State Weapon Customization

  • Use weapon customization options to closely align weapons to your playstyle, improve handling, and enhance combat capabilities.
  • Each Customization Kit looted during gameplay is usable only with the indicated weapon type.
  • However, Customization Kits purchased from the Drone Store can be attached to any weapon. These kits are single-use consumable items, with each weapon customizable only once.

Pubg New State Drone Store

The Drone Store in PUBG: NEW STATE showcases items purchasable with Drone Credits, a currency lootable during gameplay.

  • Drone Credits: Drone Credits are a currency that can be found as a lootable item across the map and allow you to purchase items from the Drone Store.
  • Drone Credits Balance: Your Drone Credits balance is displayed at the bottom right corner of the minimap. When viewing an item in the Drone Store, the order button is deactivated when you have insufficient funds to make the purchase.
  • Item Purchase and Shipping: Before finalizing your order, choose the location where the drone will deliver your items. Deliveries take time to arrive, so make sure to be aware of your surroundings. Purchased items are packed in a box and delivered by drone to the selected location, indicated with a plume of smoke. The item box is lootable by any player who finds it, so choose your location wisely (especially if you’re indoors because it may just land on the roof)!
